Anonymous ID: f1d404 Aug. 4, 2022, 11:36 a.m. No.17019742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1450

Nationalists kept sustainably in power via racism, do not allow the globalist elite to win.


They lack the ability to parlay their power base from one nation to the next, to be, in reality, globalists.


Only anti-racism allows them to spread their wings and take from other people. Because if they are denied access because they are not 'of' the other people they can take nothing.


Or if they would still take, can only do so via force, or by subterfuge early knocked back by the racist population (who can soon do away with a compromised ruler allowing it to happen).


A racially unified society is not one that has large divisions to exploit.

Anti-racism is the globalists end run around the peoples of earth.

To bind them all and enslave all.


Under anti-racism they cannot be called out "that is an antisemitic trope!", and can find a ready army of people willing to do their bidding, as various racial groups with more (due to the handwork, sacrifice and intelligence of their ancestors) can be robbed.. with the lion's share going to the globalist elite on the way of course, but sufficient to buy off others.


And the people that did possess enough power & historical appreciation to see off the globalists, fall under the induced ignorance of their own anti-racist people, working against them.


Globalism rides on anti-racism.


Something far more wholesome is racism tempered by fairness and balance.


Fairness and balance dictates Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians and White Nations for Whites is fair. Anti-racism dictates it is not.


But a world where everyone is robbed of their homelands in inequitable, as is the one where one group is robbed and the others retain theirs. The only two destinations anti-racism leads.


Don't you think the majority of people of earth would rather keep their nations, culture and self-determination rather than lose them to the press of others?


That is racism, but it is also sheer common sense.

Racism then is not the bad guy.

The people ok with the genocidally racist & unfair &unbalanced outcomes of anti-racism are. The useful dupes for the elite.


TRUE respect can occur between two racists.


A racist Black man can see in front of him a racist White man. And know they are TRUTHFUL in their opinions of each other. And do not cover over real differences. And each can commit to leaving the other alone or fight like hell if they are harmed by the other.

Each can be TRUSTED to act in their own interests.


Each can RESPECT the other as different, and leave the other alone or just come together where stars align for mutual benefit on a certain project. Each can allow the other self-rule and a sustainable existence.


Each can refrain from taking from the other, as being racist, they'd prefer their people to take care of themselves.


Antiracism asks a group NOT TO act in its own best interests. What an utterly racist request to make.


If I as a White demanded Chinese not to act in their own interests, but to hold mine as equal, I'd be doing nothing other than being racist against them, failing to account for their interests in as much if not more than a genuine racist.


Think about it. Even a racist does not ask a Chinaman to act against his own interests. I mean, because how racist (and fucking weak) would that be? A racist expects and is ok with others acting in their own interests. He respects that. He is, in the end, finding the natural balance of nature. Anti-racists the balance that works for the elite, against their own people, and their own interests.