17th Post Comms
[0ab02a] (lb)
Truth belongs with the people.
>The posts have the timbre of a leader readying an ops center for battle.
Less typing, more grooming!
you were triggered by a meme so you post about faggots being triggered
you have 10,000 spoons when all you need is a spork
From August 28, 2020 (Princess Diana died August 1997):
Princess Diana took a fridge filled with her own blood when she went abroad in case she suffered any medical problems, including being attacked.
Her former private secretary Patrick Jephson explained that he and the rest of the security team also had their blood types checked to see if they were a match in case she ever needed it.
He claims the extreme measures were necessary as Diana was "quite often under threat".
And Diana wasn't the only one with this blood type, as the Queen and Prince Charles also carry spare blood with them in case of an emergency.
Jephson said: “Particularly when we were abroad or in the developing world, we would carry a little refrigerator full of spare supplies of Diana’s blood", reports the Daily Star.
This is not as odd as it might seem at first since Rh- individuals must receive infusions of Rh- blood, which is relatively rare compared to Rh+ blood types.
Princess Diana had O- blood (Rh negative). Queen Elizabeth, Princes Charles, William and Harry are also part of the club. (if both parents are Rh- their offspring will be also).
Rh- blood (especially O-) is so often found running in the veins of a royal family and their descendants, it was named the 'Royal Blood'. Sometimes you will hear Royals referred to as "blue bloods" or "pure bloods" (i.e., no contamination from Rhesus monkey genetic material). This corresponds to the commonly observed care royal families use when selecting mates and for breeding purposes. The need to keep the monarchy in the "family", and keep the royal line pure, even when biological problems of inbreeding result. But it also indicates a cult-like belief system, an occult superstitious belief that their ancestry can be traced back to "The Gods," and so they themselves are also god-like or even gods themselves.
Just wanted to point out what is the biggest elephant in the room, namely Mrna injections.
My wife works in a large CA hospital.
Thishospital, like most others in the US, is flooded every night with turd world detritus shitting out offspring. Virtually none of them have been mrna poisoned . Most All the white people, including most staff have. It is becoming clearer every day that the mrna poison is going to kill most of those who took it, not to mention the fact that most of them are sterile.
Americans are the walking dead, its already over you just dont see it yet.
And Qew says nothing.
many booms (physical) in LA tonight, deep, resonant, cavernous, hopeful BOOMS that blow lizards out of spider holes. That is all.