Makes sense from banning perspective. Those have to be high on their list.
Because UNITY, Brah
Now let us speak about puppets on Earth and how various names for them came about. Two and a half centuries ago a few men in Bavaria who felt they were more intelligent than other people, therefore entitled to be their leaders, called themselves Illuminati, “the illumined ones.”
Like-minded individuals who affiliated with them include the Rothschilds, who established the powerful faction in Europe that encompassed royal families who had far-flung empires, and the Rockefellers, whose equally powerful faction is headquartered in the United States. Generations of the two factions and mergers in marriages and businesses enabled them to grow in numbers and fortunes and extend their network around the globe.
However, the idea that a few can rule the masses preceded the Illuminati by almost a dozen centuries. Tribal leaders in Mongolia started moving west, gathering into their midst the people they conquered along the way and establishing the Khazarian empire.
Successive leaders kept adding to its power base, which eventually included the Nazis, with whom the Vatican cooperated in WWII and still does—“neo” because the mindset that caused the holocaust permeates today’s dark ones.
About two millennia ago, self-serving leaders of church and state started amending historic records. Incrementally material was deleted, parts were rewritten, fabricated stories and devised dogma were added, and the composite is the Bible.
Later, wealthy families like the Medici, who established the banking system in Italy that gradually grew into global economic control, put family men in the papacy to spread the Roman Catholic religion and its influence on adherents.
Eventually the many disparate groups that shared the same ideology coalesced into the “umbrella” group that is the formidable foe of humanity and Earth herself. During the past several decades individuals who understood how world affairs were being conducted gave those other names to the dark ones, who have maintained power partly by controlling what people are taught, read, see and hear.
That is why false information and omission of factual information abound in your textbooks and newspapers and on TV, radio and the censored Internet. It is why movies and games glorify violence and war. Not only do those cause death, fear and destruction, all of which emit the low vibrations that keep the dark ones thriving, but their companies produce the machinery of war and add to their ill-gotten fortunes.
Movies and games also portray “aliens” as fearsome monstrous entities that invade Earth to massacre everyone and destroy the planet. This insidious form of mind control has programmed the unsuspecting public to think, feel and believe what the dark ones want them to.
However, never can they control anyone’s intuition, hopes, optimism, inspirations, aspirations or reactions! Thanks to prevailing vibrations, this sacred internal light is motivating many of the populace to embrace the light being beamed by distant civilizations and radiated by lightworkers on Earth.
The Rolling Stones have been forced to cancel their Amsterdam concert after their frontman, Mick Jagger, tested positive for Covid-19
Good night anons. Enjoy the battle, it will come to an end at the exact right time!
If they are buying that much you know they will start the mandates again
Be on guard today and tomorrow, the evil has had time since yesterday's ruling to gather itself
>people don’t have an “absolute right to own private property” in Canada.
Still greatest.
Happenings are happenings! Feeling it the atmosphere level!
Corruption will be seen. Inappropriate things will be seen and dealt with. Things that have always been there will start to change. Biases, and bigotry will start to be called out and have to change. Darkness, dark energy, which has always been at the forefront and proud of it and showing, will have to go into hiding.
This is the time for inventions, Dear Ones. This is the time for cleanup, Dear Ones. This is the time to establish what you want, not just as individuals but also in countries and planetary wide.
Dear Senator Graham,
I fully expect for you to vote NO on any and all restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms.
Thank you for setting the constitutional example.
thanks dawg
MAGA Rep. Mary Miller Thanks Trump for Giving ‘White Life’ a Win
Updated Jun. 25, 2022 11:46PM ET /
Published Jun. 25, 2022 9:26PM ET
Yeah, I know what you mean, but armed insurrection is not okay here, if you know what I mean. Go incite violence somewhere else.
Boy oh boy you guys are killing the bread counts. Ahahahaha. So, Tom hanks still dead, joe 2.0 not living in White House and the white hats are still in control? Oh and q grew up to big Q and and and and trust the plan?
July 3, 2022
Dog Days of Summer begin - July 3 to August 11
Over the last couple of weeks most of the time ZULU82 was over Yuma beefore tracking along the border to Texas Gulf coast. Now over Belize/Cancun area. looks like it is tracking cartel traffic.
why can't we just clone that guy and make everyone in congress him
Anonymous ID: AMBznWhW No.150682213
Nov 23 2017 22:25:26 (EST)
is this relevant?
At In-Q-Tel, Painter’s work focused on identifying, researching and evaluating “new start-up technology firms that were believed to offer tremendous value to the CIA, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.” Indeed, the NGA had confirmed that its intelligence obtained via Keyhole was used by the NSA to support US operations in Iraq from 2003 onwards.
A former US Army special operations intelligence officer, Painter’s new job at Google as of July 2005 was federal manager of what Keyhole was to become: Google Earth Enterprise. By 2007, Painter had become Google’s federal chief technologist.
‘TK’ refers to Talent/Keyhole, code names for imagery from reconnaissance aircraft and spy satellites,
If only you knew how many moar two week intervals there really are. KEK
sauce that shit, ffs
The left told she is beautiful and proud and right.
Not fat, unhealthy, and fuckin wrong.