Anonymous ID: 5cbe0b Aug. 4, 2022, 1:36 p.m. No.17032906   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Disaster Continues… CNN Ratings

Keep Falling At Historic Levels


The Blue State Conservative, by Jess Lawson



Posted By: AmericaFirstAlways, 6/21/2022 9:01:17 AM


Consider the date of July 14, 2000, and what the world was like on that day: Bill and Hillary Clinton were still in the White House, doing heaven-knows-what. The Twin Towers in lower Manhattan were still standing tall, with very few Americans having ever heard of Al Qaeda. And innovations such as smartphones, Uber, and iPods were only available in our imaginations. Overall, it was a relatively non-descript, summer day almost twenty-two years ago, but July 14, 2000, is indeed memorable this reason: It is the last time CNN experienced ratings as pathetic as they did last Friday. According to Mediate: “CNN capped off a weak week in the ratings on Friday,