fuck off concern troll
jfkLESBIAN still wants buttgina abortions
2 computers, or phones
In other words: Be Diplomatic, but do NOT be a cowering pussy like ALL of the NWO/Communist-controlled "politicians" are, and have to be to get "elected".
"Kinder & gentler", alright.
Very fine people
lol the stupid shit you see when 2 shill operatives from 2 different organizations accidentally cross paths lol
The Parade has Begun
Nothing can stop the Festival of Awakening
Good-B[y]e Old Guard
Of you told everybody you could, what you saw happening, and no one wanted to hear you, what would you do?
Tat Tsvam Asi
Kirby [press conference]: We are all horrified by the mass-shooting in Oslo today,targeting the LGBTQI+ community there.
not believing. Q is gone. if it had to be this way then why and "not to show" but the other whys.
chop chop
Attention Anons
Be prepared. Be vigilante. Especially my Catholic brothers and sisters. The lefties are being kited to violence. No night of long knives for us….
God bless America and Americans. Let's fucking keep it together and get the right evil assholes that are the leaders of the dark world/Matrix. We keep falling for the disinformation because it is primary to their strategy. Remember, divide and conquer, Yurri, Dis information coming from the top. Enemy hostile government in disguise. God help you and those who can't do much.
Stick to the codes lads. We really are the anons and pirates of our time and we still have our Green Dragon Taverns.