Hey wait a sec, this website is all I can find https://www.virtualvictorias.com/
I'm starting to think you made that up!
Hey wait a sec, this website is all I can find https://www.virtualvictorias.com/
I'm starting to think you made that up!
"I am not allowed to say what is going to happen today"
Who was that woman?
is it normal that police stand around like this in a group when a shooter is supposed to be somewhere up on a roof?
it will be easy. it's chickenpox.
you are watching a movie
Arguing with ebot, top kek.
Roe v. Wade more like Hoes Be Mad
Any military fags who could answer a question for me?
If I enlist right now and file for a religious exemption from the vax, how badly will this hobble my career?
“And then, with respect to making three good appointments to the Supreme Court, certainly, President Trump receives a lot of credit for that. So we were very fortunate, during the four years Trump was president, to be able to have three vacancies on the Supreme Court. And kudos to the Senate for being able to confirm those conservative justices in a in a four-year time period.”
In the end, the three justices appointed by Trump – Barrett, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh – all voted to reverse Roe v. Wade.
Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, who helped shepherd many of those Supreme Court nominations, said this week’s rulings were victories for pro-life activists’ persistent, 50-year effort to use elections and policies to reverse the Roe v. Wade decision, one he said was based on "weak legal reasoning."
“Regardless of your views on this issue, or any other issue for that matter, we all should respect the role of our impartial judiciary and the decisions that it renders.
"We’re blessed to live in a country where the people play a leading role in how we are governed. The people can advocate for policy priorities in the public square, the halls of Congress and at the ballot box, as so many pro-life Americans have done throughout the past five decades," he said.
Grassley also cautioned against liberals temptation to use violence or court packing to undo the current court.
"We all should respect the role of our impartial judiciary and the decisions that it renders," he said. "Seeking to intimidate or attack the court or undermine its credibility because of an outcome that you don’t support is not the answer.”
Democrats were not as gracious.
President Joe Biden actually challenged the gun rights decision as "unconstitutional" and the abortion ruling as the "realization of extreme ideology."
Menawhile, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi vowed Friday to reverse the abortion ruling by enshrining Roe v. Wade in federal legislation while accusing the GOP of seeking a nationwide ban.
"It's a slap in the face to women about using their own judgement to make their own decisions about their reproductive freedom," she said, falsely claiming the Supreme Court was "criminalizing" abortion.
"It's all on the ballot in November," the California Democrat also said.
But even liberals had to concede the rulings were a direct result of the Trump presidency.
Pelosi called the justices the "Trumpian Supreme Court," while the New York Times declared Friday's ruling was "one of the signal legacies of President Donald J. Trump, who vowed to name justices who would overrule Roe."
Trump for his part deferred credit for the ruling Friday on abortion to a higher power.
"God made the decision," he told Fox News shortly after the ruling.
On Thursday, the 9-member, high court's conservative majority struck down New York law restricting concealed carry permits.
The former president, who hasn't decided yet whether he'll run for a second term in 2024, on Friday also declared a truism that many emotional Democrats were obfuscating on Friday: Abortion is not outlawed across America.
"I think, in the end, this is something that will work out for everybody," he said. "This brings everything back to the states where it has always belonged."
mitochondria are our EVERYTHING…they should not be fucked with artificially…
they are literally the philosophers stone…
"So, by making our mitochondria more and more efficient we can be 50x more energetic, 50x more intelligent, 50x more conscious, 50x closer to God?
Lastly, when your mitochondria are super efficient, they emit photons. They give off light. There are ways to cause a cell to create more of them. You can optimize them.
If your mitochondria are efficient, what happens to the cell they are contained within? Will it become more efficient? Will it become the “best expression of itself”? And if all your cells are at their best expression, what will happen to YOU? You certainly will not get sick. You will not suffer from any of the ills we do now."
>Still DOD servers right?
Not since Jan 2021
check the traceroute yourself
everything goes straight to vanwatech now/
no DoD IP's
numb minding stupid non ambulatory unintelligable decrepit war monger in chief