No, Q never said anything about the 11th. But he did say huma, and Podesta arrested. Arrests in April or may. A video. Google, Fakebook, Twitter will be sued or taken down a peg. RR in trouble, multiple times. Suicide week, a while ago. Military tribunals. Emergency broadcast system messages. And a whole bunch of other pied piper fakery. Now he is telling us the reports will be redacted, and useless, and need to be all dropped at once. Probably after the republicans get beat in the midterms, just in time to impeach and remove Trump. We are following the bad guys. BTFO Q.
Fuck off and die.
Q could state dates, but then it would be easier for you idiots to know this is a psyop. When you finally realize that you anons are more shilly than the jews, I will be here laughing at you.