All that shilling, all that trying to crack Q trips codes, all that time letting the pig farmer nut on your face in a vegas hotel. Destroyed by Q. Cicda 3301 fags on /deepdigs/ suicide watch.
No such thing is allowed.
Why would a normal anon say that?
I suspect there is faggotry at play!
Sounds like you are calling in re-enforcements!
Clown who’s calling all clowns? Priceless
This is about killing human beings.
And it's a man's baby as well.
If a woman is allowed to decide to kill her unborn child, why shouldn't a man be allowed to do the same?
It's his child too.
Without the man, there would be no child.
Sounds sexist to me.
Are you sexist?
In fact if killing unborn children is okay, why not allow killing of born children too. Let's say up to 12 years. A child can not really survive on its own for a long time.
Let's say the child is such a burden on the parents, why not allow the parents to kill the child as well? And let's reword that, call that a "late born abortion", a LBB, so that people's feelings aren't hurt. Murder is such an emotional word.