Anonymous ID: e9992e Aug. 6, 2022, 7:35 a.m. No.17071589 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>1703 >>8397 >>8785 >>9065 >>9117 >>17070154 >we are living with people who we have never seen before people or "people"?
Anonymous ID: e9992e Aug. 6, 2022, 8:02 a.m. No.17077313 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>8073 >>9068 >>17070676 That reminds me… I need to import some more Irn-Bru. Them Scots sure made a tasty soda.
Anonymous ID: e9992e Aug. 6, 2022, 8:04 a.m. No.17078036 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>8594 >that dangerous homemade formula these mormons gotta go straight to hell