>Looks like you are lying.
board logs are a thing
o shit
look at that
green links
just like the logs say
by Flint
try again faggot
>Looks like you are lying.
board logs are a thing
o shit
look at that
green links
just like the logs say
by Flint
try again faggot
A picture paints a thousand words
Is anyone ever actually arrested in this plan or are we just waiting until we are in the 2nd great depression? How can we trust the midterms if voter fraud hasn't been fixed from 2020?
yeah yeah yeah
communism looks good on paper.
that is slave morality for the slaves.
you left off the laws that would piss anons off on purpose.
The enemy will still be on top raping and eating children.
chabad let the sabbatean frankists who believe in salvation thru sin join their cult.
the God of this world doesn't give a fuck, or is just plain evil, because pedokikes are in power. Or even worse he is bored and watching us like a TV. maybe it will be an underdog getting revenge tale. maybe we can redirect and asteroid into earth to wreck his TV.
maybe having covid makes you extra angry.
If you want to be a useful fool at the service of Freemasonry, go and receive your due.