Anonymous ID: 5f7f0c Aug. 4, 2022, 3:37 p.m. No.17042929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4423 >>8283



They're just spreading democracy anons.

Nothing to see here.







Chelom Leavitt graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in Economics in 1988. She then attended the J. Reuben Clark Law School and earned a J.D. in 1992. During her 20 years of private practice, Chelom focused on mediation and alternative dispute resolution. In 2004 Chelom and David took their family to Ukraine to help the ABA with the CEELI program. Their relationships and experiences in Ukraine prompted the creation of TLI in 2005.Chelom began the duties of president of TLI in 2006. In 2010-2011, she was invited to be a Ukrainian Fulbright Fellow and taught as a Fulbright visiting professor in the Psychology Department at Shevchenko National University in Kyiv, Ukraine. Following her fellowship, she received a master’s degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development from Brigham Young University in 2011. She received her PhD at Penn State in the Human Development and Family Studies department. Chelom recently accepted a faculty position at Brigham Young University in the School of Family Life. Chelom and her husband, David, have seven children and reside in Orem, Utah.




The Leavitt Institute for International Development (TLI) is dedicated to spreading democracy, ethics, and the rule of law in developing nations.


Organized in 2005 by David and Chelom Leavitt, TLI operates under the premise that seasoned legal professionals can share their experience and knowledge in order to help push democratic reforms.


TLI began with private donations from the Leavitt family and friends and a small handful of volunteers. Today, TLI operates in multiple cities in eastern Europe, teaching and shaping the minds of the next generation of leaders.


As part of its efforts, TLI involves some of the brightest international relations specialists and legal minds throughout the world to teach democratic principles, rule of law, and ethics. TLI teachers are experienced judges, prosecutors, criminal defense attorneys, and legal counselors from the United States and Canada. They lecture on a variety of subjects and make a lasting impression on the minds of their students.


TLI relies on the support of legal professionals willing to travel to developing nations and share their knowledge with ambitious law students. Each professional’s donation of time and resources is small, but its impact is being felt throughout the world.