Anonymous ID: 993ee9 Aug. 4, 2022, 5:46 p.m. No.17055165   🗄️.is 🔗kun

According to Judy Byington on Q's Question

(Who was "Jane Roe"?

Jane Roe was Norma McCorvey the plaintiff in Roe v. Wade. Her case gave rights to Kill 63 million innocent lives since she won case in Texas in 1973 (behind the scenes CIA, the Rockefellers-Rothschild organizations Deep State paid off, threatened, blackmailed SCOTUS to pass the abortion laws).

After winning the court case for legal abortion Norma McCorvey had three children and never had abortions!

What had did happen was her bank accounts substantially increased (CIA paid subsidiary partners/handlers paid her legal fees in back channels) and she began partying and night clubbing and eventuality came into a lesbian relationship (again by MOCKINGBIRD projects she was used to push the gay/ lesbian agenda as she had wide credentials for being the face of Woman’s right).

She later admitted the lesbian relationship was just for show and she was no longer a lesbian after 35 years… The relationship was only platonic she said. She left her lesbian partner as she suffered a stroke in 2006 ..a time she was needed most in their relationship.

After all the nuisance in creating Pro abortion laws and helping kill 63 million lives (abortions since Roe v. Wade) Norma the snake McCorvey switched sides and took half a million $$$ from church groups and anti-abortion representatives to speak on the behalf of Pro-life. She then took additional hundreds of thousands speaking on TV and Documentaries representing anti-abortion movements.

Later in her “deathbed confession,” McCorvey said her anti-abortion activism had been “all an act” which she did because she was paid, stating that she did not care whether a woman got an abortion. “I was the big fish. I think it was a mutual thing. I took their money and they’d put me out in front of the cameras and tell me what to say. That’s what I’d say,” McCorvey said. “If a young woman wants to have an abortion, that’s no skin off my ass”

The billions lost in riot’s/ destruction of property and communities since 1973-2022 because of civil unrest between Pro- life & Pro-choice (abortionist movement) that was created through Roe v. Wade is finally going to come clear.

The CIA Deep State connections of the Rockefellers/ Dupont/ Bush/ Rothschild ect families all worked together to bring Civil Unrest and confusion. There were well planned agendas to displace American citizens into modern warfare and Gray Zones.

It’s all created propaganda, placed well by CIA Mockingbird Media operations through Hollywood, TV and the News – all to bring U.S. citizens into a state of civil conflict for decades.

It was also to avoid the truth and knowledge of other Deep State operations taking place in domestic and foreign territories such as CIA Drug trafficking, human trafficking, modern day slavery, money laundering, planned wars , War money mongering and controlled colour revolutions through world countries by CIA (Deep State Cabal operations) to take control of countries and their economics.