in the infinite universes that exists, evidently the universe that humans share with other humans never 'requires' child rape.
those that are raped as a child become something that the universe humans share never was created for.
when you contemplate on how it is possible that someone is raped as a child it still doesn't make sense only if you were not raped as a child yourself.
this 'limits' the possible universes you 'further' and you notice that if you do not 'further' child rape you protect your and other peoples children that can 'further' a universes where children are not raped but allowed to become adults before they have sex to start a family.
what (((inbreds))) and those that lost their soul due to child rape do not understand is that child rape is always worse than death and it is what creates the universe of Jesus to limit the ability to end up in hell closing the universe completely to become 'everything' and also 'nothing'.
Jesus limits the universe of what is expected of humans to save humans from ending up in the existence that is housing (((inbreds))) and child rapists that have not killed themselves yet.