Anonymous ID: 6d0a73 Aug. 4, 2022, 6:07 p.m. No.17056377   🗄️.is 🔗kun




If this is such a massive aha moment for the World at Large, how come so few people know about it, you might ask? Well first and fore-mostly, a covert and multidimensional war and battlefield has been hidden for centuries in a “figurative” battle between “good and evil” in which few understand its actual reality. The Battle Between Good And Evil has been more of a myth than a Truth. It has been made a metaphysical and metaphorical story, more or less, and not a daily Truth and Lived Reality. And because that Battle between Good and Evil underlies many of your Hollywood movies and understandings of your world, it almost seems to be an ancient artifact of “great Story-telling” that is so well documented in your literature and history books . . . that its Truth and Living Reality Energies have been relegated to literally “The Story Books.”


2022 is going to reveal just how not a mere story it is. What was hidden, is being made known. What was fake, will be proven real. What was purported to be real (that is fake), will be known as the great farce and fakery it always has been. A New Age of Golden Living Source Light in every aspect of your lives makes the serpent’s work of slithering and infiltrating all of the good humanity has desired to create . . . very difficult. How can you hide in a totally Transparent, True, and God-backed and God-based world? You can’t. That’s the point.


The Battle is moving center stage. Chess move by chess move; Source is bringing this Age Old Battle to the Surface of Humanity’s Consciousness. The serpent acts out in fiery ways, in ways to incite fear and unrest in the people of this planet. But those false and fiery ways won’t work now. Too many are awake. Too many are savvy. Too many are ready for God’s Jubilee and the Turning of the Tables and the Tides on the serpent once and for all, to impact All Directions of Time. In this Great Table Turning (Remember Jesus in his day turned the Tables on the money handlers and the merchants in the temples?), God will turn the Tables Himself now. It is going to be an epic experience for those in Spirit witnessing these events and for those in physical form, experiencing these events, for all the Universe to see.


Many see the pawns and chess pieces on the move and have for some time. Many know that all the pieces must be played out. A Masterful Multidimensional Chess Game such as this cannot be rushed. Or manipulated. Games at this level must take their Due Divine Course. The prize as we have stated is for the Soul of Humanity. It is for the Soul of this Planet and its Lucious Resources, Light, and Life Force. No missteps will be allowed, without deep or dire consequences. And you might know that Source knows Only Perfection. So who else might mis-step? You will have to watch and see.


Your job now? In these powerful and potent times? Is to Know this Year of Jubilee. Where Source Sets This Planet Eternally and Divinely Free. You can watch the serpent’s surface illusions and games of propaganda and think that nothing is happening. But to find Source’s moves, to know Source’s Light on the Move, you must look deeper. You must become an Avid, Epic, and Practiced Truth Seeker. In that Profound Search for Sacred and Holy Truth, you will uncover Clues to God’s Moves. You will find evidence of God’s Perfection that only the Ultimate Source could weave into this Game Board at the Time of Humanity’s Ascension and this Epic Jubilee Year.