I just farted.
Do you know how many people died for that coffee?
I was screaming in here that POTUS to use the emergency power and close the fake news media, no one did sheet.
Tell me, please!
So, you like to let people die, b4 you invent the horn??????????????????
You also like to convince them to take an experimental vaxx?????????? To your voters????????????
You also sign continuity of gov, that it is so fucking corrupt, and hide JFK files, for the 'mericans goood?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Do you have any idea, any, how good will do ETs FILES EXPOSED??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ANY IDEA???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Only I, b/c I love this amazing blue.
I can change the tomorrow.
You can too.
Just tell me what you want to do, I'll do the opposite. See how it works.
My tip of the dick, wanna teste it?
shill detected.
or all……
Imagine……………….how fucked you are………………………………15 former cia heads, tell you that laptop it is russia disinfo……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………hunter on drugs…………………………………………………….
you like to fuck w/ me???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
we shall see.
we shall see.
I always win, dumb!
You are the next President!!!!!!!!!!
If you'll find epstein note book, you'll find out what hell you live in.
all your sheet is is paedo and corrupted.