Thank you, Baker!
4 more days…
No, AFLB's persona as of late has been the DigitalStorm spammer, sycophantic grifting off of Ron's campaign. He couldn't resist using that tilde when typing.
>sometimes that AI is spot on!
Not enough music in this bread to put anons into the zone.
Bound by my word. 4 more days…
He's a counter rotation nipple rubber. Nice to see a fake news anchor with veteran status speak up for a change.
Anyone else notice their sleep improving? I'm still only getting between 3 to 5 hours of sleep a night but since the Guide Stones were destroyed those 3 to 5 hours are more restful than they've been in years. A psychological placebo or something from above? I can't say for sure but I'm sleeping better than I have in years now.
>By Alexander Vindman