Trump slams Democrats for 'biggest tax
hike in history' as he slaps down Inflation
Reduction Act before tearing into Republican
opponents and branding Mitch McConnell
an' old broken crow' at Wisconsin rally
Daily Mail (UK), by Ronny Reyes
Posted By: Imright, 8/6/2022 5:29:08 AM
Former President Donald Trump criticized Democrats for the 'biggest tax hike in history' as he condemned Joe Biden's Inflation Reduction Act while at a Wisconsin Rally. Speaking to a crowd in Waukesha on Friday, Trump gave his endorsement to Tim Michels, a U.S. Army veteran, as the Republican candidate for governor of the state while taking aim at Democrats and GOP opponents. Trump said, referring to the Inflation Reduction Act. 'And they are working feverishly to pile on more regulations at levels never seen before. You're going to have regulations like nobody's ever seen before.'