>'pitchforks & andrenochrome-bunny-ears'
Sexual reproduction
Echinodermsbecome sexually mature after approximately two to three years,depending on the species and the environmental conditions. Almost all species have separate male and female sexes, though some are hermaphroditic. The eggs and sperm cells are typically released into open water, where fertilisation takes place. The release of sperm and eggs is synchronised in some species, usually with regard to the lunar cycle. In other species, individuals may aggregate during the reproductive season, increasing the likelihood of successful fertilisation. Internal fertilisation has been observed in three species of sea star, three brittle stars and a deep water sea cucumber. Even at abyssal depths, where no light penetrates, echinoderms often synchronise their reproductive activity.[57]
Some echinoderms brood their eggs. This is especially common in cold water species where planktonic larvae might not be able to find sufficient food. These retained eggs are usually few in number and are supplied with large yolks to nourish the developing embryos. In starfish, the female may carry the eggs in special pouches, under her arms, under her arched body, or even in her cardiac stomach.[58] Many brittle stars are hermaphrodites; they often brood their eggs, usually in special chambers on their oral surfaces, but sometimes in the ovary or coelom.[59] In these starfish and brittle stars, development is usually direct to the adult form, without passing through a bilateral larval stage.[60] A few sea urchins and one species of sand dollar carry their eggs in cavities, or near their anus, holding them in place with their spines.[61] Some sea cucumbers use their buccal tentacles to transfer their eggs to their underside or back, where they are retained. In a very small number of species, the eggs are retained in the coelom where they develop viviparously, later emerging through ruptures in the body wall.[62] In some crinoids, the embryos develop in special breeding bags, where the eggs are held until sperm released by a male happens to find them.[63]