Anonymous ID: 09f800 Aug. 6, 2022, 10:26 a.m. No.17084316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4790

Dumb & Dahmer


Jeffrey Dahmer has the same name as the serial killer, and he has the same appetites. He struggles with his inclinations, often leading to serious trouble. The idea for the movie began when the real-life history of law enforcement in this case seemed almost like slapstick comedy. A victim escaped, only to be returned to Dahmer by the police. Also, the smell of rotting flesh was explained as the result of a refrigerator breaking. The list goes one. The director consulted with his fans who are gay because he didn't want the dark humor of the parody to be insulting. One such fan actually dated a man who was recently arrested - he is a real serial killer. The fan explained that there is prejudice against gays in law enforcement, which results in crimes not being properly investigated. Whether or not this is true, it provides perfect motivation for the fictional characters in the movie to be bungling fools. It's sad that the real-life foolish behavior might have a basis in hatred. As ridiculous as this story is, it does have some sobering messages.

—Bill Zebub