BAKER (Schzio pedophile) ID: a37e8d Aug. 6, 2022, 10:02 a.m. No.17083637   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yet… despite all this control, power and wealth, despite their all encompassing grip on media and the flow of information, despite their massive censorship deployed worldwide - despite all of that, and much more… they are not able to control the world as they wish.


In the midst of their greatest assault of all time, they have caused a mass awakening of proportions nobody can oversee. And again: it’s only just starting!


An estimated 50% of all America is by now somewhat aware that something very evil is at work. They have all seen the craziness of Fauci and his dwarfs, they are observing how the injections are murdering and crippling people all around them, they are beginning to wake up. In other nations the percentage of awakened people varies from 5 to 30%.


What I see is that the One who is above all, works in the hearts of people, despite the blinding brainwashing deployed by the news and government propaganda.


Hundreds of millions, and soon it will be billions, are beginning to respond to a broadcast that is stronger than the 24/7 propaganda through the screens.


They hear a voice that is deeper, stronger, clearer and that removes the blindfold over their mind. And this is just the early start of something that will transform our world.


Desperate, the criminals try to shut down the voices of truth speakers, but they can never shut down the voice of the Eternal One, who ministers to the hearts of innumerable people worldwide.


He convinces them of good and evil, and encourages all of us to choose light over darkness, truth over deception, courage over betrayal, and he is causing an awakening this world has never seen.


So despite the fact that there is massive worldwide eruption of evil, of the likes humanity has never witnessed, there is likewise an ever greater and stronger movement of light, truth, freedom, right, justice, and hope breaking through.


My call to all of you is to please NOT sit back.


Don’t be a coward who shuts up, out of fear for consequences. Don’t betray your world, your beloved ones and all of humanity by choosing security over truth.


We all must rise up and speak out. We have a mission.


Share the truth more than ever. Spread it in ways you never did before. Find new ways, be creative, smart, effective.


Do something!


We all have a mission, none excluded.


Those that refuse, are traitors to humanity, this world, and everyone dear to them. Now is the time to show what we are made of.




Let the voice of freedom roar. Expose evil like never before. Pray with more intent than you ever did. And be full of hope and courage, because a new day is dawning, even during the darkest night of history.


When you read the horrifying reports that I write, to expose the plans of the wicked, never see them as some doomsday declaration.


Understand they are a blazing light that is revealing a great evil, so that we can resist and stop it.


We need to reveal the plans of these satanic criminals. We must expose them by all means, to the world.


Please take my reports and videos, and spread them like a machine-gun, in all directions, shattering the molds of mind control over people everywhere. Use them as tools for awakening.


But never allow despair or fear to rule over you. The truth sets us free, and it can be terrifying at first. But once we understand the purpose of this truth, we can use it to deliver our beautiful world. Once works of evil, prepared in darkness, are exposed by the light, they are no longer hidden, and can be dealt with.


Let’s be this blazing light.


David Sorensen


PS: if you have the ability, then please support our work, as we are in no way supported by wealthy people, as are the criminal news media. I depend entirely on the support of good people. Please help me do this work. Thank you so much.


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