Anonymous ID: 549c8a Aug. 6, 2022, 9:54 a.m. No.17082051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2582

I'd like to think I'm a sober person, but I have to conclude that the levers of global governance are in the hands of those who subscribe to a death cult. Consider:


  • The coordinated development and the world-wide deployment of a weaponized coronavirus with known dangerous DNA inserts, e.g., GP120, causing a pandemic.

  • The vituperative, mendacious, and regulatory opposition to therapeutic protocols which have been empirically shown to stop the pandemic in its tracks.

  • The design and financial incentivization of a universal and particularly deadly standard of care in hospitals (Remdesivir + ventilization) and the forced cohabitation of the Covid infected with nursing home residents.

  • The design of dangerous and ineffective vaccines which were nearly universally mandated despite showing seriously injurious effects during clinical trials, coupled with the over-the-top pro-vaccine propaganda by every media source combined with attempts to hide any evidence of vaccine injuries.

  • The systematic destruction of supply chains necessary to maintain even the basic necessities of life, specifically in the energy and food supply sectors.

  • The simultaneous push for mass third-world migration within stable Western countries, predominantly of military aged men, combined with a Marxist program of fomenting racial animosity towards the heritage populations of those countries.

  • The systematic dismantling of systems of policing and justice, with the emptying of prisons under the pretext of Covid or racial equity, and the ascension of Marxist district attorneys, magistrates, judges, etc, who refuse to apply the law uniformly, unbiasedly, and rationally.

  • The systematic corruption of the electoral systems and procedures in Western democracies.

  • The universal and coordinated push for military conflicts and political destabilization around the world.

  • The debasement of world currencies through disastrous monetary policies, leading eventually to hyperinflation with all the consequences thereof.

  • The systematic propaganda and public policy against human fertility, child-bearing and raising, and normative family life and the promotion of anti-natal and euthanization policies worldwide.


If these are not the signs of a worldwide death cult, then what would be?