Anonymous ID: 776484 Aug. 6, 2022, 9:47 a.m. No.17080486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1452 >>1473 >>1517 >>1549 >>1859 >>2090 >>2723







This event was to be a defining moment for Israel regarding the conquest of the land. God accomplished complete victory at Jericho, marching around the walls of the city and by faith the walls fell down. God gave victory at Ai where the people learned that God will not give them victory if they rebel against him. Achan’s sin cost the people as some of the army did die when Ai counterattacked. But it was not the power of Ai but the power of God. God was not with the people because of their sins and so they lost. When the sins were dealt with, then the people were victorious against Ai. Then, even after the mistake regarding the Gibeonites, God gave a decisive victory against five Amorite kings. God extends the day, victory is given to Israel, and the whole army of Israel returns to camp safely. The rest of chapter 10 records the armies of Israel successfully conquering southern Canaan. Look at verse 42: “And Joshua captured all these kings and their land at one time, because the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel.” Chapter 11 records the conquests of northern Canaan. In fact, the kings of northern Canaan band together as one and in verse 4 they came out with all their troops, a number like the sand that is on the seashore with very many horses and chariots. The numbers look bad for Israel but the Lord tells Joshua to not be afraid (11:6). But verse 14 records Israel striking down every person who attacked. “Just as the Lord had commanded Moses his servant, so Moses commanded Joshua, and so Joshua did. He left nothing undone of all that the Lord had commanded Moses. So Joshua took all that land” (11:15-16). Verse 23 records that Joshua took the whole land just as the Lord had spoken to Moses. The land had rest from war. The battles are over. Israel has control over the land. Chapter 12 records the victory of Moses and Joshua. The Lord through these two servants has utterly destroyed all the kings and armies that dared to fight or resist Israel. What I want us to see is that the event of the sun standing still is the final sign to Israel that God would give them victory over all their enemies. They have nothing to fear for God was with them.



There is one message that I want us to consider from our text. I want to draw our attention back to Joshua 10:14 because there is something important to see regarding the miracle of the sun standing still. Look at what is said about this amazing event.


There has been no day like it before or since, when the LORD heeded the voice of a man, for the LORD fought for Israel. (Joshua 10:14 ESV)

