Anonymous ID: 8f2330 Aug. 6, 2022, 9:58 a.m. No.17082751   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you are forgetting


  • electromagnetics and rf

  • mRNA jabs riding on lipid systems

  • nanotubes


It could also be parts of a city are "sick covid" when really they are sick from the new RF weapons and nano shit that's in the food, air and jabs.


It could be combination of all these techniques, not to panic people as they are extermated by officialls conspiring with mulltinationals in genocide terrorism and treason.


without the FCC monitoring with a spectrum analyzer for it 24 /7/ 365 it would be like witchcraft.


It's absolute treason and the sheriffs (if there are any good ones left) will drop just the same as us.


Since smith mundt modernization act and the fake media that amplifies the treasonous propaganda it's perfect to genocide everyone in America.


Nobody will care.

You will call me crazy instead.

You seal your own fate in death.