BAKER (Schzio pedophile) ID: 9ecb27 Aug. 6, 2022, 11:44 a.m. No.17087657   🗄️.is 🔗kun


anon thinks the jerk who used to control the Board when it was an ADMIN. is the same entity now making fake Q posts.

Last Summer it slid the board day after day with accusations anons were making fake Q posts; none signed but just in the style.

Or were gerbil. or whateve name it made up, who did a fake post on Q's board

they went on and on; it was everylasting.

anon wonders if they got paid well or if they were actual perps who had to do this to try to save their neck?

Now it's the same garbage.


and they do the wrap-up smear by creating the fake Q posts themselves?