It's been a while since I've posted, frens, but I still pray for you just about every day! Whoo hoo, Q is back! And we've never been so ready. These years we've - especially you True Anons who've remained vigilant in research and posting or broadcasting - cultivated a dedication to the truth that perseveres no matter what. Thank you, frens! ThankQ! God bless us all and protect us, in Jesus's name, as He guides us to shine our lights and to continually reveal truth. God bless you, True Anons and God bless you, Q team. May He bring you close to Him in love and goodness, readying us all for what may come and for what foundation-shaking truths or fictions may arise. May He give us all the courage to do what is right and good, in whatever ways we each can in our individual circumstances and in what ways we can TOGETHER. I love you all more than you know! Super odd that I had a strong compulsion to get on the boards yesterday. I never did, but here now.