BAKER (Schzio pedophile) ID: f90ebd Aug. 6, 2022, 11:41 a.m. No.17087112   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7524


A 2nd Declaration Of Independence

by the 50 united states of America…


These freaks and demons are terrified.


Regrettably, to our great misfortune, shame and dismay, and despite the recurrent warnings, and accorded safeguards, a cabal of foreign investors and privateers have managed to gain possession of our land, our wealth, our labor, our well-being, our future, and even our children.


Although simply enumerating transgressions and usurpations would suffice to justify insularity, recounting significant events, reveals important facts, that are missing from history. These forgotten facts, add insight, perspective, and clarity, illuminating our best way forward.


The word “Democracy” does not appear anywhere in America's founding documents, because the framers knew that Democracy, in any form, or disguise, is fatally flawed, leading invariably to oppression, unrest, societal failure, violence, and death.

All modern forms of government are elected democratically. They are differentiated only by who makes the decisions, after elections are over.

In a Democracy, citizens in the majority make the rules, leaving those in the minority oppressed. Consequently, a Democracy is always noisy, divisive, divided, inefficient, unsteady, combustible, fiscally irresponsible, and short lived.

America was established as a Constitutional Republic to avoid the many ills of Democracy. In a Constitutional Republic, those elected must not do the bidding of the citizen majority. Rather, they must do what is best for their District (or State), despite the majority will. In this way, all citizens are represented equally, and no one is oppressed, making a Constitutional Republic quiet, steady, efficient, and preferred.

Although the word “democracy” feels good, it is founded on mob rule, making it akin to socialism, communism, and every other tyrannical form of government.

Finally, Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution resolves any doubt. “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…”


Having exposed the greatest heist and cover-up in history, we are able to summarize. America and its assets were quietly hijacked, and the cover-up has resulted in unthinkable crimes against THE PEOPLE and humanity. Allowing the hostile takeover to stand will lead eventually to complete and irreversible subjugation and the eradication of truth, justice, and all that is good.


As with any negotiated peace after years of atrocities committed by parties at war, we seek neither vengeance nor demand justice for past transgressions. We simply adjure the return of what rightly belongs to THE PEOPLE, and avow firmly, emphatically, publicly, and officially, that America shall forever remain a sovereign nation, free, self-directed, and not affiliated or dependent upon any version, or variation, of the present, planned, or innovated “New World Order.”


We entreat a bloodless solution, wherein you cease all destructive activities, including false flag events, dissolve US CORP and all other illicit legal structures and custodial instruments, return our land and assets, including our gold and silver, redirect the tax collected on our labor back to America, and have your “Deep State” and “Shadow Government” OPERATIVES retire, withdrawing your influence in an orderly fashion, so society continues to thrive, in trade for you keeping your wealth, your position, and your heads.


With grace, not afforded to we, the people, these demons were offered a peaceful solution. Instead, they stole an election to continue their rape and pillage of our world and humanity. [They] will be pucnished, hopefully publicly for all the world to see. BUT we must take back our sovereignty individually and STOP paying into their Babylonian system!




Then watch these:


This is why 8kun is being shilled so hard right now, not fucking Gism Maxcunt!