Anonymous ID: 48050b Aug. 6, 2022, 1:36 p.m. No.17088715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9058 >>9078 >>9631

Anon concludes identity politics is mean spirited, and designed to divide humanity into as many smaller 'factions' as possible, so as to weaken their collective power as much as possible, so as to be as easily hunted and preyed upon as possible.


The words the radical left uses such as "inclusive" is a projected dialectic of their own desire to exclude united humanity from reality, and to replace that inclusion with an infinite number of MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE 'identities'.


The deception is their underlying LOGIC that falsely presumes humanity is inherently divided, and in order to 'include more people', they need to be divided into small factions so that they can falsely believe 'look at all this diversity and inclusion' as they argue amongst each others to which letters need to be added to an infinitely expanding set of division categories.


Every time Anon sees "diversity and inclusion" narrative from radical left sources, Anon quickly understands that the purpose of it is to divide cooperating people by introducing the deception that to SELF-DIVIDE, is to 'increase diversity and inclusion'.


The ultimate target of NWO dialectic logic is not some undefined 'statistical representations' of the same 'division categories' they themselves are pushing. It's the INTWRNALLY UNIFIED INDIVIDUALS EXPRESSING UNITY OF THE HUMAN SPECIES.


The NWO logic is admittedly and outwardly ANTI HUMAN, for it attacks the word HUMANITY, the meaning of HUMANITY, the references to HUMANITY, by censoring narrative of unity while echoing and pushing narrative that sees people as divided by race, religion, class, sex, political affiliation, all to foment and encourage those targeted to SELF DIVIDE and 'see' humanity as a whole as nothing but conflicting irreconcilable groups, occupying their lives and time with hate, contempt, fear and isolation, all under a false doctrine that the nwo are humanity's savior.