BAKER (Schzio pedophile) ID: 225a9c Aug. 6, 2022, 1:43 p.m. No.17090110   🗄️.is đź”—kun

I found this article on John Durham, it's pretty fascinating how respected and liked he, butlook what he did to free two innocent men framed by Mueller's FBI:


“I can’t think of any other federal prosecutor who has had the kind of nationwide responsibilities that he has had,” said Deputy Chief State’s Attorney Len Boyle, a former federal colleague of Durham. “It shows what people think of him, because of his work ethic and his ability. It is a remarkable career. It really is.”


Durham, married with four grown sons, is a devout Catholic, a die-hard Red Sox fan and a drivenprosecutor who treats crime like a personal affront. He often takes unpopular cases and cases judged by other prosecutors as unwinnable. Her took one such case in 2015, an arson-murder, after pleas from parents whose daughter’s death 9 years earlier remained unresolved. No one else would take the case; Durham persuaded a jury to convict.


One federal law enforcement colleague in Boston said, “He kind of has blinders on in the sense that he doesn't worry about the politics and all the other stuff that might be swirling around, and I think that's really what makes him so successful.”


While pursuing Bulger and corrupt FBI agents in Boston,Durham uncovered secret FBI memos files showing that agents, to protect an infamous informant, framed four innocent men for a 1960s murder.


Two of the innocent men died of old age in prison and the two survivors had been locked up for more than three decades whenDurham discovered the memos and personally delivered them to one of the defense attorneys.


The two survivors and the estates of the men who died sued the FBI and, in 2007, won a $101.7 million verdict.


Not surprisingly, there are many Durham supporters among the defense bar. They said he can be infuriatingly tough and unbending, but does not hesitate to act when persuaded that a prosecution — anywhere — is flawed or somehow unfair.


“He is one of the top federal prosecutors in the country,” said Hartford attorney Hubert J.Santos. “He can be a hard guy, but if you show him something, he will reconsider. He’s tough, but he’s fair.”


Boston defense attorney Anthony Cardinale, who sat on the opposite side of the federal court in Hartford in the early 1990s, when Durham and his team convicted much of the leadership of the Patriarca Crime Family, had a slightly different take.


“He’s such a decent guy you can't hate him,” Cardinal said. “That can make it hard to get motivated."