Anonymous ID: 33e0f1 Aug. 6, 2022, 1:39 p.m. No.17089259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0210


🦍📡🇺🇸✴️✴️✴️✴️👁👁🤬 Big Tech has consistently aligned itself with the far-left Democrat Party which has morphed into a communist, socialist, lunatic entity. This Democrat-Media complex, as Andrew Breitbart called it, works together to destroy any messages that they do not like. Lies are promoted and the truth is censored in this current environment.


The Media Research Center came out with another report where they identify massive censorship by Big Tech. Again, Big Tech is protecting the Democrats. Newsmax reported on the report:


The Media Research Center, a media watchdog group, has identified more than 600 occasions in which Big Tech companies censored criticism of President Joe Biden, dating back to March 2020.


The collected data ran through the MRC’s Censor Track database, which monitors censorship of prominent political voices by leading Silicon Valley platforms, and covered the 24-month period of March 2020 to March 2022. The findings revealed that prominent social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter concealed Biden critiques 646 times over the two-year cycle.


According to the MRC:


“Big Tech’s campaign to protect President Joe Biden and his agenda has continued unabated. The Media Research Center found more than 640 examples of bans, deleted content and other speech restrictions placed on those who criticized Biden on social media over the past two years. This included 140 cases of Big Tech censoring people over the New York Post’s bombshell Hunter Biden story in late 2020.


“MRC Free Speech America tallied 646 cases in its CensorTrack database of pro-Biden censorship. … The tally included cases from Biden’s presidential candidacy to the present day.


“The worst cases of censorship involved platforms targeting anyone who dared to speak about any subject related to the New York Post bombshell Hunter Biden story.


“The Post investigated Hunter Biden and the Biden family’s allegedly corrupt foreign business dealings. Big Tech’s cancellation of that story helped shift the 2020 election in Biden’s favor.


“Twitter locked the Post’s account for 17 days. In addition, Twitter slapped a ‘warning label’ on the GOP House Judiciary Committee’s website for linking to the Post story.”


TGP was censored for reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop as well. Eventually, The Gateway Pundit account and contributor Joe Hoft’s Twitter accounts were taken down. This was after we reported on exclusive material on the laptop that had not yet been reported. For reporting the truth about Hunter Biden, our accounts were censored and taken down.


Why are Republicans continuing to allow this to happen?