Anonymous ID: ebdca3 Aug. 6, 2022, 1:46 p.m. No.17090888   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>There's a video in the last bread where Kash says that there's NO mechanism to reinstate trump.


Bullshit! I did a decode of RemoveRestrictions.bat script from Mike Lindell's sympossium that CodeMonkey glossed over. This script ran on a voting machine and proves not only crimes but widespread fraud due to being a script.


You only run scripts because you need to duplicate commands on many machines instead of interactively typing commands and using a mouse. Who writes a script to rename a file here? No one, you right click with mouse and select rename and type.


So this is illegal for all these reasons:


  1. Running a web server on a voting machine is remote access and illegal.

  2. Pointing the computer's LSA, Windows Local Security Authority, to a temp database is tampering with security controls.

  3. Forcing the Operating System to override and validate that temp database is a violation and direct overwrite of the Security Rules and Policies.

  4. Forcing Network sockets to accept unencrypted packets is a violation too, These sockets are for all protocols not only TCP/IP.

  5. Because it was a script once again, it was designed to run on many machines. Each voting machine is capable of holding millions of votes. Scripts that parameterize file and machine names are proof of intent to run on multiple machines. If it was a one machine deal, it would take a technician a few steps for a few minutes to get the job done. It takes weeks to get these scripts correct as they also must be tested.


I have proven widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, 100% without doubt. This is about the 50th time I have wrote this on various social media boards. Not one to challenge what I have said here, neither one to say thank you; what gives?