Anonymous ID: fb4b2c Aug. 6, 2022, 1:40 p.m. No.17089504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0111

Part 1

If Hitler was an agent for the jews – then why …

…haven’t all the key historians/revisionists such as David Irving picked up on this theory in all the collective years of their intense detailed research? David Irving (as just one example) has spent 20 years of his life, at a professional level, detailing Hitler’s life and the logistics of WW2. Are we to believe he just happened to overlook this glaringly awkward anomaly? David speaks fluent German, has lived in Germany, and has interviewed heaps of SS officers and relevant people who were around Hitler’s war effort. He has looked under every stone, meticulously scrutinizing all the German detailed documentation (being able to understand it/translate it himself). David was a super sharp-minded individual at the time of his research. He was a real threat to the jews and was incarcerated for his incredible efforts and levels of accuracy. No way would a man of this calibre just repeat the narrative of others. He was/is a competent and independent researcher. And there are heaps and heaps and heaps of similar detailed WW2/revisionists/researchers like him. Have they all overlooked this fantastic theory? An agent? Come on.