Anonymous ID: 4a8531 Aug. 6, 2022, 1:47 p.m. No.17090950   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Part of Neil Oliver’s transcript


If you cannot make sense of what you are seeing, first you have to grasp,I say, that none of it is accidental. On the contrary, it is planned. They even told us so two years ago – when one world leader after another stood up to declare that the pandemic was a chance, a narrow open window through which to build back better.


But listen closely to the language. Build Back Better, windows of opportunity, a once in a generation chance. President Joe Biden himself talks now about transformational change.


Even our own Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, trumpets his support for the Great Reset on his website. If and when he is king in a constitutional monarchy, such overt involvement in national and geopolitics must surely herald a constitutional crisis of note – but that is a thought for another day.


While we are on the subject of Reset, however, let us also pause to remember that in Scots Law at least, Reset refers to the redistribution of stolen goods, which is interesting to say the least.


Whatever Covid is, or was, it has been used to green light the revolution they had in mind. Now, to keep us always moving in the direction they want, they fall back on the climate crisis that’s been used to scare the bejeezus out of us, whenever necessary, for over a hundred and fifty years.


What we are seeing, hard though it may be to believe or to accept, appears to be the attempt to bring about the deliberate destruction of personal wealth. What is happening around us – one crisis after another, disease, war and death, shortage of energy, cost of fuel, shortage of food, destruction of farmland always the ever-present shadow of climate catastrophe and the end of the world. If you are frightened it is because you are supposed to be frightened. Frightened people are easy.


I say this: the end of the world is not nigh, but there are among us those who would change it beyond recognition in service of their own desires. The civilization we have loved is most certainly under attack, from within. First of all we have simply to notice and accept as much.


And having done that, we, the people, can reclaim our world,because it is, and always has been, ours.” (link)