#Stocks #Market #Economy
Crypto Crash Stock Crash EVERYTHING Crash!
Jun 14, 2022
The Maverick of Wall Street
80.2K subscribers
little boy at 1:14 (14th today) is standing in front of promotional wall with "Marathon" written on it. Reminded me of:
May 19, 2020 4:23:22 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 06e6df No. 9242248
It's a marathon not a sprint.
2y, 3w, 4d, 12h, 58m ago
Starting to wonder if that means the markets' race for the bottom. Kinda doubt it though, as I'm betting on some day (imminently) where it's very much a sprint to the bottom. Wonder if this is part of the "Titanic-themed" Q-ism "Down she goes"… which most of us know was really the OLYMPIC.