Could there be more porn slides here tonight?
Scared Globalist lying fux?
Could there be more porn slides here tonight?
Scared Globalist lying fux?
You cryin"?
Of course he speaks English. He LOVES Americana… They sent him Rodman as a pacifier while he was held "hostage".
Thats why Rodman is involved. Kim loves American basketball.
He's childlike.
I seriously doubt he was the actual leader of anything.
He looks downright giddy since POTUS swooped in and saved his freaking life and "Legacy".
Anons…. ignore the distractions.
Let's savor this moment where it becomes abundantly clear that politics is show business.
This whole parade is scripted, and the MSM is pushing their narratives that have nothing to do with reality.
It is the day they prove, without a doubt, that they are ACTORS reading a SCRIPT, and These two leaders are pretending to be in negotiations!!!!
God I love this President.
Not surprised….. always knew…..
that pen will someday be in a museum
what was Hilary saying about Trump deserving the Nobel Peace Prize…? Something about him deserving it…???
somebody needs to record these live feeds… the camera guys are sayin' stuff that sounds kinda interesting.
Wallace is a generational spook , globalist, party pooper.
Best Troll EVER.