I love you BO
$100 says when the child trafficking drops all come out, the MeToo faggots wont even speak u and call any of the politicians or hollywood out
My ultimate dream: For the Democratic party to be so crushed with one drop after another, nonstop until the 2020 primaries that they announce they will not run a candidate, Trump runs unopposed
In all seriousness though, I really do look forward to the next election because by that time we will have updated voter rolls, Voter ID laws, new machines and software non George Soros touched, and quite possibly even the removal of the electoral college. Cant wait to see the crushing blow Trump delivers with fair rules
keeping the electoral collage would let CA and NY run the show
Bring on the Obama picture that will shut down the internet
Anons, you actually think we get public disclosure of the tarmac video with this IG Report coming up?
yes HRC video is the video conference between LL, BC, BO, and her. I really hope the public does get to see it eventually, but I will be happy if it at least gets mentioned in the news so liberals have to accept it
Just because someone disagrees with your dumbass point doesnt make them a shill. Go heat up another hot pocket dickhead
Anon, youre smarter than this. Come on. The electoral college makes it easier for the cabal to rig elections and cheat
If we didnt have an electoral college, then individual states wouldnt matter, because it would be based solely on the total number of votes cast for each candidate. Who cares if cities are stacked
Haha the Obama bowing picture made me laugh. That goofy dude is more than 90 degrees bent over
Ok dumbass go back and read my posts. and then turn your fucking brain on. Im saying GET RID OF goddamn electoral collage. Learn how to fucking read
Dude, its just one number. Total votes. States wont/dont matter. Who gives a shit about CA and NY
POTUS still hasnt corrected his twat that is missing the I and P
Not if POTUS does away with them assmonkey
Yes but he always corrects his twats when he does it
I know, damn congress :D
Thursday: IG Report released, HEAVILY redacted. POTUS signs EO to force release of unredacted version (already did on May 10th). Do we get unredacted version before the hearing on the 18th?
I hope to god its that thorough and damning. Its time for the real deal