Anonymous ID: 3da3dd Aug. 6, 2022, 10:03 p.m. No.17102965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3183 >>4030 >>5486

Willie Brown was in Godfather III, in one scene.

Also, 9/11 related, (((never forget))) he got a phone call from Condoleezza Rice warning him not to book any plane flights that week.

The first coincidence can be explained away as simply as Willie Brown was politically active during the time that American Zoetrope had offices in the Bay Area right near the Transamerica building.

The second, well, that's for history to decide.




Aegon Insurance Q4 puzzling questions that perhaps an intrepid journalist should pursue:


During quarter they did a $1.4 billion reinsurance deal with Wilton Re to offset larger policies in US due their increased mortality expectations in 2022. transamerica is owned by Aegon.


In the earnings transcript an exchange between CFO & Mr Huttner is illuminating: Basically as I read it they are doing an unfavorable deal to reduce volatility…obviously "volatility" is code for higher in their mind.


Question to CFO: "Given the vaccines & Omicron why do this?"


Why are you seeing these increased trends?


What does indirect Covid mean?


Also important to remember that these policy holders are wealthier individuals not prone to drug overdose & suicide.


Curious indeed.


Time to ask questions media folks.




when seen it, this MAP, the Molecular Model sttodOUT !

Follow The White Rabbit

trans-american passenger network


saw this on utube channel: Shaking My Head Productions 2

Can You See The Big Picture???

675 views -May 16, 2021 { not embedded, so pix can be attached. }


WEF Investments ?!?


We need a "Trans-American Network," of national intercity passenger travel and freight investments

organized around our nation's mega regions

  • vast regions formed around the travel patterns, business relationships

and manufacturing chains of the global economy.


America 2050 calls for a Trans-American Freight Network with investments that will alleviate

highway and rail bottlenecks, electrify the rails, and green the nation's seaports.

