Anonymous ID: b907ca Aug. 6, 2022, 10:13 p.m. No.17105804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5931 >>6075

Afternoon from West Coast


Msg to you fuckers sandbagging from Smith Mundt shit news in CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Daily Beast, Mashable, Independant, WGem and the others who haven't yet made to my fake news blacklist. All ya delusional smith mundt proxy fucks who maliciously invented QAnon as pretext to attack later on.


I don't know if there ever was a Q or not, I don't really give a fuck, 8Kun is a place I go, to post image and text without being harrased by another smith mundt Karen.

Nothing crazy about that. But you caring so much about Anon… Now that's a narcisist fascist problem.


Don't yu have enough on your plate trying to say the fucking NAZI's are winning in Ukraine? Not one of you pieces of shit mentioned there's a NAZI ukraine flag flying in Normandy in 2022. That flag don't belong.


And they rebranded to LGBT+UNICORN and I don't here LGBT saying no I'm not a nazi. I dont' hear the transnational terrorists BLM or ANTIFA saying im not a nazi.


It's also not my problem when Zelenskyy wears a NAZI shirt and then picks up a Star of David in the other hand. THAT SHIT IS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM.


For the record I don't like Q. Two days ago as noisy as it was we at least were discussing several things like Ukraine, Nazi, Funding, Pelosi, Kolomoisky, Prince HeartBurn/BurnHard, all that shit is folded up under the Q this and Q that noise you shit fuckers brought with you.


Your the one funded not me. Your the fucking smith mundt owned scisos who don't cover the Truth, not me.


And to the Q larp. yeah three fucking posts ZERO info. one question


four posts, two questions.


Q doen't give me a value add.

Q is AWOL and has nerve to ask about My oath!?


If I wanted value in intelligence I would be following George Webb (40+ books censored on Amazon), or some of the others that you treat like shit.


Basiclly you coming here and ol Creeyp ass Mike Rothschild just put out a book on amazon talking shit about how he's a fucking expert in QAnon.


Well I'll tell ya Mike, if you are an expert it's cause your the Jew Larper and Race bait Larper whos stirred up nothing but shit. There's no other way to be EXPERT here is to BE here every day. I accuse you of being the long nose Jew larps.


trying to get you some false flag shit.


In reality Americans should all be hittin your ass for Reperations.

BAKER (Schzio pedophile) ID: b907ca Aug. 6, 2022, 10:14 p.m. No.17105892   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Q said the national guard is important for all this. Is Q going to allow large amounts of people to be discharged, when we need them for the Storm?

I wonder if something's going to happen before that deadline arrives.