BAKER (Schzio pedophile) ID: 8640d0 Aug. 6, 2022, 10:45 p.m. No.17110609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1185



  • I should think the US Marshall service might be tasked immediately with enhanced protection of the SCOTUS Justices. Surely, there is existing security at SCOTUS, which could be expanded without Congressional action at least temporarily.


Expansion “in order to assign the same privileges to staff, aides and people who work within the administration of government” seems too massive to even contemplate. Surely the various Departments already have some security.


I can’t tell if this is just the unreasonable expansion of government, or a deliberate move to leave Kavanaugh unprotected until the release of the Roe v Wade decision, as a means of intimidation.


If I were him, I would move myself and family, secretly, to a secret location, until the decision is released.


The “controversy” is almost all among the fanatic Left. Even the NYT, I believe, has started dealing with the newsworthy aspects of moving the regulation of abortion back to the States. NY, for example, wants to be a sanctuary for abortion seekers from other states, and appears to be working to get out front in the competition among the pro-abortion states to attract that new “business.”


Once the decision is made, the controversy WILL move to the State capitols, where it belongs. There may be long-term haters who will continue to wish conservative Justices ill, but the risk should decline over time.


It may flare up again briefly when the leaker is uncovered. As I recall, one clerk is a close friend of the reporter who broke the story. A simple lie-detector test for that individual – to be followed if he doesn’t fail and confess – with similar tests for all the clerks, should get him to fess up.