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Based Sisters

Ukraine chess sisters refuse to sign anti-Russian letter


By Akash Maurya

April 8, 2022

Mariya and Anna Muzychuk are facing expulsion for declining to support a total ban on Russian and Belarusian players


Chess officials in Ukraine say they will punish former world champions Mariya and Anna Muzychuk after the siblings refused to sign a letter calling for the total exclusion of Russian and Belarusian players from international events…more…


…The letter also demanded that Russian FIDE president Arkady Dvorkovich step down because of his supposed association with “bloody dictator” Vladimir Putin.


As it stands, Russian and Belarusian chess stars are allowed to compete as individuals at FIDE events although on a strictly neutral basis.


The letter from the Lvov federation, which was shared on Facebook, contained a host of signatories but noted that 2015 world champion Mariya Muzychuk and 2017 world championship runner-up Anna Muzychuk – who is a former rapid and blitz world champion – did not support the calls.


As a result, the organization said it would “cease cooperation” with the Lvov-born sisters and initiate proceedings for their exclusion from the federation…more…