BAKER (Schzio pedophile) ID: 31f236 Aug. 6, 2022, 10:38 p.m. No.17108701   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Posting verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion is not bigotry.

Nice dialectic inversion attempt to divide intent from content.

The content is not what makes you muhjoos bigots.

What makes you bigots is what you say would make anyone a bigot if all they did was cherry pick white people committing crimes because they want to smear all white people, while omitting 'the other' races entirely.


You dumb fuck shill bigots always like to point out the (((fake news))) limits their 'negative coverage' to instances of white people committing crimes, right? Omitting 'the other' races is a bad thing right? That the 'facts' they 'report on' is intended not to sincerely inform, but to deceptively divide viewers along racial lines, right?

That if the fake news really was 'concerned' about violence or crime that there would not be such a pattern in their 'choices' of what to cover and not cover, right?

Would you believe fake news if you were told "We're not bigots against white people, we're just 'pOsTiNg vEriFiAbLe fActS aBouT wHiTe pEopLe cOmMiTtiNg cRiMes', try harder you pro white supremacist supporter!"?


You'd conclude you were being given the runaround wouldn't you?


Well,the reason you tell us to distrust fake news' intentions because they keep focusing on one 'group' to smear over and over as a means to DIVIDE THE POPULATION, is the exact same fucking reason nobody trusts you stupid division shills intentions either.