Anonymous ID: 74170c Aug. 6, 2022, 10:35 p.m. No.17107725   🗄️.is 🔗kun

i meant to poast this last night but got distracted kek



another work Night ]Shift[

i feelz you

along w this important job/research be sure to find joy 2 share joy, SEE?

Bible versus bless and/or curse depending

what i once thought was a curseful verse was a gift ]ALL[ along

ironies can be GOOD signs

feel the cool relief of Faith when it's hot out

work together; re-learn the game (that is not a game)

Newbies, Normies, Anons together is the KEY, no?

idk but it sounds GOOD and sometimes it is correct

Please God, let this be 1 of those Times

thank you ALL who share info during information war

information = decisions

correct information SHOWs what about dem leaders?

lies say what about elections in 2020?

ignorance is bliss but it affects USALL so wake the silly sheep sleeping in the land/age of tyrants

what would the Founders say about us if they could haunt us tonight?

ds swamp dreams about the night they can hunt US openly, no?

keep dreaming ds, you already lost all your chips except that pathetic stack

now sit there and hope for luck during this END

People, the game is yours if you CHOOSE to take it; please stop giving to swamp [nancy obama hillary hunter jim soros etc]

>thank you ALL who share info during information war