Anonymous ID: d13eb8 Aug. 7, 2022, 2:07 a.m. No.17115358   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Have you truly grasped the extent of the corruption, blackmail, and evil in this country? The planet is run by organized crime and our government, politicians, judges, law enforcement, and 'social influencers' either are part of that criminal enterprise or being blackmailed by it. Our entire social fabric has been infiltrated and subverted except for a handful of honest people that are fighting back. What other way is there?


The military is not exempt from the contagion you speak of. General Milley being the most flagrant example. The military is just as woke and corrupt as the rest of the institutions. No military junta can fix the immorality that is currently ingrained in society in a single series of ad hoc tribunals The problems we face are self-inflicted. Our world is the result of our own actions and dereliction of duty. The remedy will require diligence over generations rectifying. People need to practice patriotism, self-sacrifice, fear of God, personal responsibility, and humility over generations to have a society that is not corrupt. We are only at the beginning of saving the world. It'll take 60 to 80 years to come to fruition. We are moving in the right direction, but slow and steady wins the race.