Anonymous ID: 894cc6 Aug. 7, 2022, 2:14 a.m. No.17116739   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Boys I want to Tell you about a situation that is kinda bad ass but we need to keep it kinda cool, I have been here from the start, I am a trump fag and all around me know it, I decided to start a career as a politician because of Trump he was like a bad ass super hero to me, and I wanted to share that energy with all I knew, I own a business that requires me to work under a chapter that is under the jurisdiction of the state so I rely on them for a good portion of my business, anyway since 2017 I have been in battled in court just trying to live, Its all on record but my Deep blue state acts like a Rivel Gang to me, this is not an exaggeration guys If you made a movie you would not believe it No way it could be allowed would be the thought, I ran for office once before in 2020 as a maga republican and did pretty good, The Thing is I am more qualified then any off the other people well period because of all the attacks I know alot and can navagate the laws well< I must have a Trumpy overlooker because I get them and burn them each time like wiley coyote, So I am Running again FOR A BIG SEAT, and dudes they have gone fully insane Gloves are off and the msm has blacked me out fully I would not be suprised if they tried to arrest me, I just nailed em with another stinger so they just started throwing merritless administrative charges trying to sanction me fot 10 years on charges I sued them on and they hid behind the qualified imunities




so the exciting part is If Trump backs me or does not back anyone else, I got em but if he does not back me we are in DEEP SHIT


you can trust there is no harder fighting real boots on the ground Ultra maga patriot all the way back +++


Either way I WILL KNOW SOON and since i am an anon you will too