Anonymous ID: a0d6bc Aug. 7, 2022, 2:31 a.m. No.17118802   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>It's because I'm an American, a pissed off one, too, and you should be as well.


Says the hilarious joker on the station which suppresses every damned TRUTH imaginable. Talk about a shitload of empty BABBLE.


Rudy, Chanel Rion/OAN were all over Laptop From Hell and ALL of the corruption LONG before the rigged "election". What was faux "reacting" to?


How about Election Fraud – ANY of the tons of evidence, including video footage since Ruby Freeman onward which could reach the moon?

The Truths regarding J6 since J6, like OAN has been reporting since that day? Nope.

How about Crooked Foundation, Mysterious Deaths, Haiti, like OAN has been reporting? Nope.

Here's a good one: How about BHR-Rosemont Seneca Partners, Schitt & Igor Pasternak, Devon Archer, Joseph Cofer Black, pelosiS and NRG Lab &ViscOil, ALL the corruption with Ukraine AND China? What about Turtle & Foremost Holdings Group & Chinese Shipbuilders???

The truths regarding china virus, including HydroxyC? Nope because, faux, newsmax were NO different than CNN & the others, as the government took care of them to "stay in line".


How many seconds, combined have been dedicated to these topics on that "highest rated" Fake Entertainment outfit which can somehow label itself as "news"?

Want to laugh, be entertained AND INFORMED? Watch George Carlin!WAR