Anonymous ID: cfd3f3 Aug. 7, 2022, 2:28 a.m. No.17118103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8367

I was going to poast this yesterday about possible habbenings then Q showed up…


The birth of Jesus on Dec. 25th is a messianic alegorgy dating at least back to ancient egypt and the birth of Horus on the same day. Horus would have been the equivalent messiah figure in that epoch.


On the winter solstice or Dec 21st every year the "sun" or "son" rises and sets at the furthest point south in the sky than it will all year then begins making its way a little further north every day. But for three days it moves so little in the other direction that it appears to be stationary at the solstice point to the naked eye. Then on the 4th day the "sun" or "son" is "resurected" and continues its anual pilgramage. In ancient egypt the sun would rise on the fourth day within the constelation of Orion and the "3 wise men" or the 3 stars of Orions belt would preceed it at dawn with the star Sirius or "morning star".


4 days ago was the summer solstice. Today the "sun" or "son" was "reborn" and began to return to the southern sky after remaing stationary at its northern most point for 3 days. Joined by a rare planetary alignment, the cresent moon, Q's possible return, and a Trump rally.




If the winter solstice has been exploited for centuries as a means to twist truth for control and power, what will this historic summer solstice be bringing us? We have so much moar than we know anons.