Anonymous ID: 470f64 Aug. 7, 2022, 2:27 a.m. No.17117942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8141 >>8347 >>8462


There is no such thing as "Based Orthodox Jews":


Orthodox Judaism (which is a very dominant element of international Jewery, specially thru Chabad which is very politically active all over the West) is as subversive against the Western people as the others denominations and the so called "atheist" Jews:


-Judaism is based on Jewish racial supremacism (and Jews aren't White, if Jews were White then "anti-Semitism" laws would protect Whites too, which they don't, and Whites (ethnic European natives) would be allowed the right to ask for dual nationality with Israel (which they can't)).


-Their Talmud is anti-Christian and anti-Gentile (Gentile means non-Jew). The Talmud also aproves of pedophilia.


-The circumcision ritual is male genital mutilation (child abuse). Pic related here:


-They still have the blood of Christ in their hands because of their ancestors words and actions against Christ.

–The ancestors of the modern Jews, the pharisees that had Christ crucified cursed themselves and their own bloodlines (they put His blood in their hands and the hands of their children, who have to repent and accept Christ in order to save themselves). It's in the Bible:


Matthew 27:15-27


-The Rabbis that lead the Synagogues in the West (which constantly shill for open borders for the West) are appointed by Israeli Rabbis, which are obviously zionists (who don't want open borders for Israel). This is an issue because Israel is an enemy of the West, as are all zionists (both Jew and Gentile zionists alike). And there is also the fact that Israel is an anti-Christian country.


-Their rule of Mesirah obliges Jews to NEVER deliver a criminal Jew to the authorities, under penalty of becoming a Rodef that can be killed by any member the Jewish community without punishment. Basically a mafia law that obligates all Jews (criminal or not) to run cover for criminal Jews if they don't want to be murdered by their own fellow Jews.