As our President reminds us during each & every speech, it's the Fake News "media" which makes all this NWO-Communist Insurrection possible. "Politicians" can spout whatever they want, but who'd believe a "politician" anyway? FAR different story when they have Lenin's Pravda Reincarnate protecting them, and playing on EMOTION to (entertain) DISTRACT and DIVIDE us.
Q has just posted on 6/24. 6=F, 24=X. Fox. CNN & the other mainstream sludge may be Communist propaganda, but what is ratings kingz FAUX, where – hasn't hannity outright worn a CIA pin on-air? (Please correct if wrong.)
Will continue to ask why Hunter's Greatest Admirer, the lifetime Trump-hater is pushed so aggressively on, for prime example, Communist youtube, and hyped by every damned pravda outfit out there. CIA? CIA?