Anonymous ID: 297f1f Aug. 7, 2022, 3:19 a.m. No.17122103   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2563 >>3091










Famous people who attended Jesuit schools


Joseph Goebbels (Head of Nazi Propaganda Ministry) โ€” Trained at a Jesuit College


Joseph Stalin (Communist Dictator) โ€” Trained by Jesuit monks at Tiflis Seminary


Fidel Castro (Communist Dictator) โ€” Trained by Jesuits at Colegio Belen


Bill Clinton (Former US President) โ€” Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University


George Tenet (Former CIA director) โ€” Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University


William Casey (Former CIA director) โ€” Trained by Jesuits at Fordham University


Juan Carlos I (King of Spain) โ€” Trained by Jesuits at the Instituto de San Isidro


Timothy Leary (Leading Proponent of LSD) โ€” Trained by Jesuits at Holy Cross College


Denzel Washington (Famous Actor) โ€” Trained by Jesuits at Fordham University


Patrick Buchanan (Conservative politician) โ€” Trained by Jesuits at Gonzaga College High School and Georgetown University


John Kerry (US Senator) โ€” Trained by Jesuits at Boston College


Robert Gates (Secretary of Defense) โ€” Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University


Robert Baer (Former CIA case officer) โ€” Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University


King Abdullah II (King of Jordan) โ€” Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University


Jose Barroso (President of the European Commission) โ€” Trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University


Alexander Haig (White House Chief of Staff, Iran-Contra General) โ€” Trained by Jesuits at St. Josephโ€™s Preparatory School and Georgetown University


John Gannon (Former Head of the Homeland Security Departmentโ€™s Intelligence Unit) โ€” Trained by Jesuits at Holy Cross College


Vernon Walters (Former Deputy Director of the CIA) โ€“ Trained by Jesuits at Stonyhurst College


Prescott Bush (Former Co-Director of Union Banking Corporation, Dubyaโ€™s grandfather) โ€” Trained by Jesuits at Stonyhurst College


William J. McDonough (Former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York) โ€” Trained by Jesuits at Holy Cross College

