Anonymous ID: 06c486 Aug. 7, 2022, 3:12 a.m. No.17121350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1677 >>1907


looks at Truth Social What problem is that? This is the containment board to ensnare all the bullshit, and there is so much of it. And not a single fucking one has figured that out yet. They're building their kingdom and making it perfect, and letting psyops, bots, shills, shitposters, shitty admin that can barely keep it hobbling along, deep state agents smooching ass to head grifter, and the few left that are too lost to figure out what's happening in front of their face and failing to see the alternative for the much better engine it is. I love it because me saying this will entrench further in denial. Even with me saying that as well. They still haven't figured it out yet? Team Trump was obviously behind Q, why on earth would you trust Jim over Trump?