I love what's going on across the pond.
[Look at Putins facial expression. He's loving this "game" [he's damn near giddy] they [he and POTUS] are playing.
Warms me heart it do.
Trump is right in his rally comment of "This is NOT a game".
It isn't.
What IS happening however is the DS is "BEING GAMED" by POTUS and our "new allies" [all EU's boogiemen].
Big difference.
Take a look in the wayback machine and see.
Russia saved our asses…once again [2016 election].
Put Trump into office they did. Without their help in stopping a crooked election, which would have installed Kankles
into the WH, we never would have gotten him in office.
Then Putin gives Trump "the ball". It's now in his court to play. And play he does.
At this time, the "ball" has been given back to Russia, they are now on the court, and their ball is in play as the US [POTUS Trump] sits on the sidelines.
Once the proper amount of points have been scored within the game time remaining, the ball will be handed back to the US
for those last sudden death points on the clock.
Cold beer and samiches are in order here frens.